2006-07-09 20:58:28 UTC
According to the novelization of Return of the Jedi, which was co-written by
Lucas himself, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Lars Owen are brothers.
In chapter three, page 83 of the hardcover copy, it reads: Ben continued
his narrative. "When your father left, he didn't know your mother was
pregnant. Your mother and I knew he would find out eventually, but we
wanted to keep you both as safe as possible, for as long as possible. So I
took you to live with my brother Owen, on Tatooine...and your mother took
Leia to live as the daughter of Senator Organa, on Alderaan."
As we saw in Episode III, Anakin was actually aware that Padme was pregnant.
Also, since she died while giving birth, Padme couldn't have taken Leia
anywhere. But we'll forget about these inconsistencies for now. They are
pretty minor compared to the one about Kenobi's brother being Owen Lars. I
can think of three reasons why this makes no sense at all.
1. Owen and Beru were killed by stormtroopers while Luke was off rounding
up R2D2 in Episode IV. Upon hearing of his brother's death from Luke,
Obi-Wan shows no signs of grieving whatsoever.
2. When the crew are stranded on Tatooine in Episode I, Obi-Wan gives no
indication that he is familiar with the planet. He makes no effort to
contact his brother, which is especially odd since Owen could have actually
helped find the parts they needed.
3. Anakin meets Owen Lars when he sets out in search of his missing mother
in Episode II. It turns out that Owen's dad, which would have been
Obi-Wan's dad, married Anakin's mother. Pretty convenient, considering how
big this galaxy is supposed to be. Not only that, but if the future Darth
Vader is actually related to Owen, how smart would it be to hide Luke there
at his home on Tatooine?
Give me your thoughts on this. I've tried to put this behind me, and I just
can't seem to do it. Lucas wrapped his galaxy so tightly around Tatooine
that he actually unraveled part of his story!
But all the same, Star Wars rocks!
Lucas himself, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Lars Owen are brothers.
In chapter three, page 83 of the hardcover copy, it reads: Ben continued
his narrative. "When your father left, he didn't know your mother was
pregnant. Your mother and I knew he would find out eventually, but we
wanted to keep you both as safe as possible, for as long as possible. So I
took you to live with my brother Owen, on Tatooine...and your mother took
Leia to live as the daughter of Senator Organa, on Alderaan."
As we saw in Episode III, Anakin was actually aware that Padme was pregnant.
Also, since she died while giving birth, Padme couldn't have taken Leia
anywhere. But we'll forget about these inconsistencies for now. They are
pretty minor compared to the one about Kenobi's brother being Owen Lars. I
can think of three reasons why this makes no sense at all.
1. Owen and Beru were killed by stormtroopers while Luke was off rounding
up R2D2 in Episode IV. Upon hearing of his brother's death from Luke,
Obi-Wan shows no signs of grieving whatsoever.
2. When the crew are stranded on Tatooine in Episode I, Obi-Wan gives no
indication that he is familiar with the planet. He makes no effort to
contact his brother, which is especially odd since Owen could have actually
helped find the parts they needed.
3. Anakin meets Owen Lars when he sets out in search of his missing mother
in Episode II. It turns out that Owen's dad, which would have been
Obi-Wan's dad, married Anakin's mother. Pretty convenient, considering how
big this galaxy is supposed to be. Not only that, but if the future Darth
Vader is actually related to Owen, how smart would it be to hide Luke there
at his home on Tatooine?
Give me your thoughts on this. I've tried to put this behind me, and I just
can't seem to do it. Lucas wrapped his galaxy so tightly around Tatooine
that he actually unraveled part of his story!
But all the same, Star Wars rocks!